Spring is in the air or at least I hope

March 29, 2008 at 5:08 pm (Uncategorized)

Occasionally I hear the birds chripping and the sun is shining quite a bit but the problem is the wind is still quite cold and we have loads of snow on the ground still. I am so tired of winter!!! Grr, if it wasn’t so sunny I would so totally have the winter blahs right now. I guess it could be worst but it is so getting on my nerves especially since for most of the winter I am stuck in the house unable to do anything due to the hip I am past frustrated I am getting down right vicious now. Okay rant over now back to my scheduled – but techinally a day late sweat progress.

On my various projects I have gotten a grand total of 9,548 words done this week. A little behind still but all in all I ain’t complaining. I have so many plot bunnies running around in my head that I am exhausted just thinking about it. I find I write much bettwr in the nice weather for some reason I write like a fiend then the ideas just keep coming and are so detailed. It is almost like a movie or two is playing in your mind with every piece of dialouge and hair in place.

I am so freaking tired I think I will get a little more writing done and then take a cat nap.

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