
November 3, 2007 at 11:52 pm (Seventy Days of Sweat, Writing Updates)

It is that time again when I feel like I must admit how my progress has been going between Seventy Days of Sweat and NANO I feel like I have made pretty good progress. Yes, there have been the odd day or two that I got diddly done but that is life for you it has this bad habit of getting in your way lol.

Seventy Day of Sweat Progress to Date is broken done as follows

Through the Mist – 11k – Finished and in editing – Finished 8k of it do to Sven

Untitled Novella  (still trying to find a title I like lol) – 6k – Started from scratch with Sven

Fallen Hero (my project in the Brava novella contest) – 25k – Finished 3k with Sven – it was finished but I thought it was missing something.

Aroused and Cursed (started from scratch again – had let it sit for too long) – 2k – Done with Sven

Vampire Oracle: Ashes – (Second version first one I just run through it second I take my time and add more focus to plot, etc.) – 8k – Finished 3k with Sven.

Which brings me to a grand total of 22k – which I think is pretty good since I did have two or three days of nothing in there.

Now onto NANO

Unlike Seventy Days of Sweat I don’t feel like I am getting very far with this one. But it is early days still sometimes I have trouble with the beginning which I am having with this one or worried about a sagging middle (Aroused and Cursed).

Dark Attraction has a total of 3k to date not bad since I didn’t start it until yesterday but I only got 500 words done on it today. Since the NANO site loads pretty slowly I won’t put my progress up until I get a good 10-12k.

Well that is all for now, I have a few other ideas running around in my head but I want to focus on the main projects for now. Until later.

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